About Us
The Buhl Regional Health Foundation is committed to improving the health and well-being of the neighbors we serve. We believe that through partnerships, education, and grant-making, we can creatively impact the quality of life in our communities.
For the safety of those at BRHF, the names and photos of our staff and board members have been removed from our website while investigators work to identify the validity of violent threats made against us. We thank you for your understanding.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Buhl Regional Health Foundation (BRHF)?
Buhl Regional Health Foundation is a Private Foundation located in Hermitage, Pennsylvania (Mercer County) dedicated to identifying and addressing our county’s diverse health needs.
BRHF is committed to creating partnerships, promoting education, and providing grant opportunities that impact the quality of life in our communities.
What does Buhl Regional Health Foundation do?
Buhl Regional Health Foundation envisions a healthy and prosperous community, built upon collaborative efforts which address health disparities and focus on overcoming inequities.
Currently, our strategic focus is on improving the health and well-being of the youth in Mercer County. By focusing on the unique needs of our community’s young people, we strive to create lasting, positive change that will empower future generations to thrive.
We address community needs by providing health education, making grants to nonprofit organizations, and creating programming where we find gaps.
For more information, please see:
What is a Private Foundation?
A private foundation is a nonprofit organization with the main purpose to provide funding to charitable causes and organizations.
Private foundations are usually funded through an initial contribution, often provided by a founding family, individual, or corporation.
Unlike public charities, private foundations are not designed to solicit public donations. They rely on the initial contribution to create revenue through investments.
Private Foundations are tax-exempt organizations with specific restrictions and requirements for how they distribute funds.
The percentage of assets a Private Foundation distributes and to whom those funds are given is federally regulated.
Private Foundations are typically governed by board members who are tasked to comply with legal reporting requirements and ensure that the foundation adheres to its charitable mission.
Furthermore, Private Foundation boards must act with fiduciary responsibility, including duties of care, loyalty, and obedience, and must avoid conflicts of interest and self-dealing.
How does BRHF have money to grant?
As a private foundation, BRHF does not fundraise; it relies on the income from its initial endowment to meet its charitable requirements.
BRHF does not want to compete for donations with charitable organizations.
As long as our assets are managed properly, those organizations would instead receive funding from us to carry on their charitable purpose.
BRHF’s investments must adhere to the organization’s Investment Policy Statement, which defines the percentages BRHF can allocate in different investment categories.
This statement requires that we invest the money prudently so that it continues to grow, ensuring the foundation continues into perpetuity.
Therefore, our investment managers, committee, and board members must keep a strict watch over the investments, ensuring the foundation is able to meet its charitable requirements and allow for the financial base to grow enough to keep pace with inflation.
Please see the timeline below for a history of funding.
How does BRHF decide to grant funds?
BRHF has a committee of board and community members who review each application for eligibility, content, and completeness of requirements.
The amount granted is determined by the grants committee.
The full board has final approval on the recommendations submitted from the grants committee.
For more information, click here.
What is the connection between Buhl Regional Health Foundation and other Buhl organizations in the area?
While we do currently share the Buhl name, these organizations are not connected.
A common misconception is that Buhl Regional Health Foundation is connected to other organizations sharing the Buhl name.
Organizations such as The Buhl Community Recreation Center (Sharon), Buhl Farm Park (Hermitage), and The Buhl Foundation (Pittsburgh) have never been affiliated with Buhl Regional Health Foundation.
BRHF was created through an endowment from Christian H. Buhl Legacy Trust but has not been affiliated with the trust since July 1, 2021. Please see the timeline below for details.
Our History
Since our inception, BRHF has been steadfast in its work to improve the health and well-being of our neighbors. Born from the proceeds of Sharon Regional Hospital’s sale in 2014, since 2021 we have been an entirely independent private foundation, free from ties to any hospital, trust, or for-profit entity.
Over the years, we’ve invested millions into scholarships, grants, and programs to address critical health challenges and promote healthier outcomes for all, and our commitment is unwavering. We stand with our community, guided by our vision to provide hope, resources, and solutions for a healthier Mercer County – now and for generations to come.