Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

September 27, 2016

The well attended Open House and Ribbon Cutting for the Buhl Regional Health Foundation (BRHF) was a wonderfulsharon-sorg indicator of area support. Many representatives from community and civic organizations were in attendance.  Notably, State Representative, Mark Longietti (7th Legislative District) and Barbara Sieck Taylor, Executive Director, Grant Makers of Western PA were present.

Barbara Sieck Taylor, Mickey Gula, Kimberly Duncan

Barbara Sieck Taylor, Michaelene Gula, Kimberly Duncan

During the Ribbon Cutting, Representative Longietti spoke about the importance of the organization and Ruthanne Beighley, Board Chair, discussed the diligence of the leadership team at BRHF.

The Buhl Regional Health Foundation is committed to improving the health and well being of the people in our communities.

Angela Palumbo, Joanne Bisson, Michael L. Wright, Board Chair Ruthanne Beighley, Riley Smoot, Mickey Gula, Bob Liptak, Mary Ann Odem, Representative Mark Longietti, James Epstein

Angela Palumbo, Joanne Bisson, Michael L. Wright, Attorney Ruthanne Beighley, Riley Smoot Jr., Executive Director Michaelene Gula, Robert G. Liptak, Attorney Mary Ann Odem, Representative Mark Longietti, Attorney James P. Epstein


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