Youth Survey for a Healthy Community

November 8, 2023
Youth Survey

At the Buhl Regional Health Foundation, our primary focus is the health and well-being of Mercer County’s youth.

The Healthy Community Collaborative, a strategic initiative or BRHF, is providing a platform for kids, teens, and young adults in Mercer County to make their voices heard and actively contribute to the betterment of their community.

Youth Voices Matter

We want to know what YOU think! By participating in this survey, young people have the opportunity to voice their thoughts, concerns, and dreams about their community’s health. The survey is entirely anonymous, so don’t hold back! We want your candid feedback without any reservations.

Creating Lasting Change

The data collected through this survey will be invaluable in shaping the future of youth health in Mercer County. It will provide us with guidance and insight into our programming, strategic initiatives, and grant-making strategies. Your participation directly contributes to creating a healthier and more vibrant Mercer County.

How You Can Help
  • Are you a kid, teen, or young adult? Click here to start the survey!
  • Are you outside the survey’s target audience? You can still support our initiative by spreading the word about the survey. Share this page on your social channels and encourage the young people in your life to take part! 

We invite you to join us in this exciting journey. By working together, we can create a healthier and more promising tomorrow for Mercer County.


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