Lizette Olsen (pictured here) and Rosalyn Wright will partner to guide participants through the grant writing process as it pertains to the BRHF grant application.
Grant Writing Series Classes: Coming to BRHF Tuesdays in March
Buhl Regional Health Foundation (BRHF) will offer a Grant Preparation Series for people who may be applying to Buhl Regional Health Foundation for a grant.
The programs funded by Buhl Regional Health Foundation must focus on the health care needs or community health of the greater Sharon regional area. The grant requests must clearly demonstrate collaborative partnerships, and a program or initiative that focuses on, and invests in all people impacted by health-related needs throughout their lives.
The sessions will be held at the BRHF office, located at 701 Pierce Ave., Suite 1, in Sharpsville, PA. This series will introduce seasoned grant writers to BRHF’s online grant process. This series is not an introductory course for new grant writers.
The series will be held every Tuesday morning beginning on March 6 and running through March 27, 2018. Each session will begin at 9am and end at 11am.
There is no fee for the grant series. Seating is limited and will be determined on a first come-first serve basis. No more than two (2) people per agency may participate.
To register for this Grant Preparation Series, please provide your name, organization, title, email address, and phone number to Kimberly Duncan, Grants Manager at 724-418-2750 or email info@buhlrhf.org.