2024 Grant Applications

January 3, 2024


Optimizing the health of our children (OHOC) of Mercer County

Release Date: January 3, 2024  | LOI Deadline: February 9, 2024

I am pleased to share with you that the next Request for Proposals (RFP) from Buhl Regional Health Foundation is “Optimizing the Health of our Children.” Letters of Inquiry will be accepted from January 3, 2024 – February 9, 2024. If your LOI is aligned with the RFP and the Foundaton’s mission and all other eligibility criteria is met, you will then be invited to submit a full application.  I invite you to share this exciting RFP with your networks.

The most recent County Health Rankings report ranks Mercer County at 57th (of 67 counties in the state) in overall health outcomes. This ranking, in addition to Community Health Needs Assessments (CHNA) conducted by The Robert Woods Johnson Foundation and the four major healthcare systems serving Mercer County, PA (UPMC, AHN, SCHC, PHN) identify the county’s leading health concerns as heart disease, obesity, and diabetes. On the surface, these health concerns seem unrelated, but evidence shows a compelling correlation between these negative health outcomes and the effects of excessive adversity on the human body and its biological systems. Research suggests that both adults and developing children who face significant hardships in their environment and/or experiences are at higher risk for developing stress-associated diseases, like those mentioned above.

The Buhl Regional Health Foundation issues this Request for Proposals to our community stakeholders, seeking innovative initiatives that propose to improve health outcomes in our community by addressing the inequities, health disparities, and obstacles that children and their families face. Health is directly and positively impacted when communities and systems adequately support families and children during the early childhood stages of development.

Rolling applications now open for

2024 Mini Grants

Buhl Regional Health Foundation’s Mini-Grants Application has been developed to support smaller grant requests of up to $5,000 that meet the guidelines of BRHF grant policy.

The Buhl Regional Health Foundation, along with our community, has identified several important focus areas pertaining to the health-related grants we provide; however, we highly recommend the focus being aligned with BRHF’s strategic framework of improving the health of children in Mercer County. We encourage collaborative partnerships.

Mini-grants are best suited for requests that are not time-sensitive and are accepted on a rolling basis. The rolling application submission allows applicants to work on and submit their grant requests at any time.


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